I slept Friday night.
I was bored on Saturday and Margaret was in Virginia at her Aunt's wedding so I went driving around with a list of things to do. Things like to get my hair cut, go to Goodwill and get some "new" clothes, and look at prices of outdoor furniture for our Halloween party. Things like that. Basically it was just so I didn't sit at the house and play Xbox football all day (I'm to the 2012 season in less than a week).
The thing is, the only thing on my list I got done was to get some coffee. I also went to Target and bought some 10 lb ankle weights, which I have been wearing since Saturday, and a jump rope. I drank my coffee in the car listening to CarTalk and decided to drive to High Point to see if Lucas was home since his phone had been "turned off" the last 2 times I had tried to get in touch with him. So I went to High Point and Beaver and Beaver were both there along with Flippy and Linc's new "friend" from Raleigh. There was talk of going to the World Beer Festival in Durham and Linc and his friend actually did go. Flippy left to go ride with her friend which left Lucas and I to have a 2 man Beer Festivus of our own. Which we happily did.
It was an afternoon (and night) of drinking, highlow-redblack, and politicking (if politicking means talking politics and basically agreeing with each other... except for Lucas's feeling that voting didn't really matter; which may be true, but is such a clichéd attitude of the youth of the last few generations that I hate to fall into it). [I just looked up politicking and that is what it means, basically].
Woke up fairly early on Sunday and basically stayed awake till Monday afternoon. When I woke up tonight my eyes were dry as shit and bright red. I really don't think I'll be able to work nights for too much longer. But I am kind of nervous that I won't be able to get a normal job and wake up in the daytime anymore. Like being diurnal is a skill that I've lost. I was never very good at it, but its been almost a year since I started working third shift.
And with that I leave you.
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