...we join our hero at 4:20 in the AM, a time which in earlier years held a little meaning for him but which now just means five more hours till he goes home and sleeps. Nothing much has changed in the last few months. He still doesn't smoke. He hasn't had much fun. He's gotten drunk a few times and gone out once or twice. All of his BIG PLANS have kind of withered away with the waning sunlight. Not that he ever sees the sunlight, anyway. But even a nocturnal freak kind feel the abscence of the sun.
Our hero told his roommate, the only person who really paid any attention to him at all, that he didn't feel comfortable with the relationship the two had. He felt like her feelings for him were much stronger than his would ever be. Within a week she has a new guy. A guy that tried to hook up with her while both were coked out their minds while our hero was in the other room. Shows how much our hero knows. Now, he feels kind of cheated. Not because he's jealous. Just because he wishes she'd felt a little worse for a little longer, you know? Pretty sick. But, REALLY grossly human. Human like the type of humanity our hero usually disparages as weakness in others.
Anyway...he's started looking for other employment...because he can't fucking stand being alone like this for much longer. The lack of sleep is making blue-purple sacks under his eyes. Pouches of damaged bruised flesh crowned by bloodshot orbs. Not the best look for making new friends.
The sad part of the job search is that he has no clue what he wants to do. The only thing that's stood out is teaching English in Japan. How sad it is that he feels he must leave one of "the most priveledged countries in the world" just to progress. He has to leave his home and his friends to discover who he is or could be. Will our hero make the plunge? Will he continue on in his current non-path until the abyss swallows his whole personality? Will he start smoking again? Will he take one fuxing risk? Stay tuned!
1 comment:
Life! It's a killer!
I am 100% alone at my new job for 8-10 hours a day, and, yeah, it sucks. It's during the day, though, which is nice I guess.
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