May 20, 2005

I'm really bad at this.

I am. At this blogging thing. Maybe if I had a computer of my own... Um. I guess I don't like talking into a void.

The octobers are playing in raleigh next week. I move out of my house in a month or two to travel the lonely highways of this mean, mad world. That or live with the parents again.

I now own a bike. Which I ride sometimes. still mostly smoke free. not beer free.
movie party next friday for cherrae's movement to Burbank, home of Johnny Carson's ghost. I want to move to LA. or anywhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate talking into a void too. So here's a comment. Hope it helps.

I just got a bike too! I love it so much already. So fun riding to work instead of taking the bus, and the ride home is downhill, so I go really fast and try not to get hit by cars. I learned how to change my inner tube the other day too.

Good luck with the blog...see you around!