March 22, 2011


It's sad when you look yourself up on google and can't find anything. Two other more famous people have your name and one of them died in a tragic car accident in high school. Does that come off as callous? In my defense: I have never killed anything above the level of insect on purpose.And I feel bad about the insects I've killed though roaches are starting to lose their emotional tug.

To be clear, I used to show up on google all the time; back in the day. At some point some asshole with my name started writing computer books, then another started being an artist in San Francisco. The last straw was a high school student in ... Virginia? dying in a motor vehicle accident. Apparently a quiet guy in NC with not a lot going on can't get listed on google anymore. I'm considering committing some sort of crime.


Bowling is a performance. I think that people who don't play instruments or act or sing, or whatever, look at bowling as a way to perform. Team sports don't really offer that opportunity to get up in front a group of friends, or whatever, and perform. It's like a little dance, a little finesse, and a little strength. Then you get to act out whatever fate the ball decides. Strike? Jubilation! or maybe humility depending on your relative score to those around you. Near miss? mild dismay or maybe cautious hope. I feel like it's the actor's game. Poker is the next closest thing. Maybe baseball is close when you're batting though it seems to be in the culture of the game to be as non-reactive as possible. Hyper-masculinity frowns upon displays of emotion.


I get that production and distribution companies want to keep the allure of the physical product, but the lack of deleted scenes and outtakes on Netflix streaming and, very recently, Netflix discs is starting to be annoying. The people who want the disc will buy the disc. What brand of jackass is swayed by extras? 

March 20, 2011

Resemblance to Statues is Intentional

Sometimes I get the urge to share. For a while I used but then I started to post hilarious things when drunk and had to do damage control afterwards which was always an embarrassing reminder that my social filter was flawed.

So, I guess an unread blog in the vast oceans of unread personal blogs is a better solution. To be clear: I expect to get rich off of this. All of my words are like gold to thirsty people. Drink the gold, people ... drink it up.

I went to the Polvo show at King's Barcade tonight. Pretty good. There was one song ( a new one if you believe the band ) that sounded like it coul've been a J.Giels Band song. The drummer had to borrow a kick drum halfway through the set because he ripped the bass drum head. Pretty hardcore. Wild Wild Geese were alright though I don't get their self-descriptor of J-pop. One song was a blatant slowed-down ripoff of a famous song that if I had a long-term memory I could place. And finally, Free Electric State was pretty good as always. They take the best of 90's "alternative" and make it ... not new, but just as good 15 years later. They actually had the best sounding set as well. I think that has to do with the way sound checks are done. Not to fault Kings, I actually enjoyed every part of the downtown Raleigh club experience including the random Frat and Sorority kids that somehow landed at this show.