January 05, 2008


It is hard work creating a cd sleeve.

I used: paper (rolled up construction paper which kept rolling up so that cutting it was almost impossible given I have but two hands) and my exacto knife, and shelf laminating self-adhesive plastic type stuff. I have an exacto knife and a soldering iron with an exacto knife attachment. I used the soldering iron because I thought that it got hot enough to burn paper. It does, but not at the end where the knife is. After a few finger burns and having to cut holding the knife from the very end, which is very difficult with the hippy hippy shakes, I decided that the regular exacto knife probably was the better call. But it came out alright. That being said, I made one and needed at least three for tomorrow. bitchbitcthbitch. motherfuckers can deal with a plain cd.


Dedwarmo said...

You should post some of your illustrations. And photos of your blistered fingers.

matt said...

bleh, i'm on to bigger things. like typing games and slowly learning french. maybe a music festival in the fall (i'll find out in july)